“Socks, Crocs and Salvation”

Last September on our "Booze & Blues" tour of the Mississippi Delta, Steve, Craig, Gloria, Kaye and I spotted a beat up rusting sign on the side of the road near Winona proclaiming in big red letters "Be Rapture Ready." We thought it would be funny to take photos of it with our shoes in front to show we had been raptured. We didn’t want to stick around too long since the humor might be lost on the fellow who put up the sign. We heard he had tried to rid his wife of demons by pouring hot oil on her.

The nice lady to the right of the sign is from a photo I took of her in Marks, MS while she was engaged in conversation with Gloria. I thought adding her to the painting would bring more interest to the composition and I especially liked her blue crocs and white socks. She looks like she's "ready."